Life Is A Dream

Word count:7275

[Music] the ontological status of reality is identical to that of a dream so think about the dream that you had last night and ask yourself what was the substance of that dream where did that dream go what was it made out of whatever that dream was made out of is exactly what this thing that you call reality right now this very moment is made out of it's made out of the exact same stuff dreams stuff but people can't appreciate this because they've got the materialist paradigm running in the back of their mind this conceptual matrix which tells them that oh well those are just dreams last night's dreams when I was sleeping those are just mere dreams activity in the brain neurons firing away weird stuff going on while my body is resting that's not how it works at all that's completely backwards there is no such thing as the brain the brain is a dream right now it's happening here where have you ever seen a brain here in this dream the world what is the world where have you ever encountered a world but in this dream what is the world other than the dream of you right now that's what you call the world the dreams that happen to you when you are sleeping at night those are not couched within a physical brain or a physical world the way that you think they're not occurring in a physical body this is a deep confusion that people have because they're operating under the materials paradigm which completely dismisses dreams and it draws some kind of firm distinction between the sleeping dream world and the waking dream world there is no such distinction it's all one dream that's what reality is about that's what your life is your life is a dream your life as a whole from the moment you were born - right now - when you're gonna die it's just one dream but of course you don't think of it that way precisely because you've defined it against you've defined reality against the dreams that you have when you're sleeping but this is a mistake stop thinking of reality as a mechanical physical system that's not how it is what reality is is a dream machine it's just dreams it's just consciousness that's why it's appropriate to call it a dream and to call reality a dream is the most accurate metaphor that I have encountered so far it's actually one of the simplest also if you want to talk to people about spirituality or non-duality or about enlightenment you can give them all sorts of fancy theories and all this but the simplest way is just to say it's a dream your whole life is a dream and you can awaken from this dream in exactly the same way as you can awaken from last night's dream there's nothing physical about this thing all this stuff this is not physical this is a dream it's happening in a dream machine this dream machine which can otherwise be called God can dream up whatever it wants it's an infinite dream right now right this very moment as God is dreaming your life it's also dreaming that it's being Napoleon it's dreaming at as being Julius Caesar right now it's dreaming that it's a monkey and some rainforest right now it's dreaming that it's all the ants on this planet trillions of them each one individually a dream onto itself it's dreaming that it's a tree every single tree on this planet and every single tree that exists across the entire universe it's dreaming that it's an alien on some other planet far far away not only that but is dreaming that it's being some other kind of being that you can't even imagine or conceive of in some alternative universe some alternative dimension which bears no resemblance to our own doesn't have three dimensions doesn't have time doesn't have space doesn't have energy or matter or anything like that and whatever it's got there it's got there whoever lives there lives there and whoever's conscious there is this very same thing it's dreams that's what reality is it's not a net of molecules it's consciousness not only is it dreams it's every possible dream that could be dreamed happening all simultaneously that's what infinity means right now what's happening right this moment is a dream can you see it I'm talking to you from within your dream hello in there hello wake up become conscious right now that you're in the dream this is it this is the dream yes it feels very real that's because you're so absorbed with living that you've forgotten that you're inside of a dream just in the exact same way as happens at night you're so engrossed in whatever is happening in your nighttime dreams that you forget until what until you wake up until the dream comes to an end and what happens is that you break out of one dream to enter the next level or the next order of dream likewise it's very difficult for you to see that you're in a dream right now the waking dream because you've never broken out of this dream yet to realize oh this was just all a dream it was just a figment of consciousness because you feel that your fears are very real you feel like within this waking dream there's actually something real to be lost and something real to be gained so you're very busy running around doing stuff living but not seeing that all that activity is couched inside of the dream and the only reason it has any kind of meaning is because it's relative to and within the domain of the dream outside of the dream and has no meaning it has no existence it has no reality it has no purpose and it has no importance whatsoever your life has no importance no more importance than last night's dream really had it's an interesting experience for its own sake but beyond that what is there what was the substance of last night's dream it's it's gone it's nothing it was just a figment of the mind now you might wonder but where does this mine take place doesn't it need to take place in a brain no it doesn't see the problem is is that your conventional understanding of dream only makes sense in the materialist paradigm because you have defined dreaming as something that occurs within brains that's the key mistake well you need to do is separate that out such that you acknowledge that yes you dream at night but then you dream during the day too and that in fact the brain is part of this dream right here during the day the nighttime dreams don't occur within the daytime dreams these are two separate dreams one is running the other one is off now this one's running that one is off and then at some point even this one will come off all of them will come off all sorts of dreams are possible materialism itself is occurring within the wakingdream I've talked about Rene Descartes before and how he was a pivotal figure for Western philosophy and a lot of modern philosophy is based upon de cartes work and specifically they card skepticism and his skepticism was quite powerful although not powerful enough as I've mentioned before and one of his doubts was the evil demon doubt I've talked about that before but here I want to talk about a second doubt that he had because he was interested in establishing a firm foundation for all of Western intellectual tradition including mathematics science and also his Christian morality and his his Christian worldview so he needed to base that on certain facts and certain knowledge about the world but the way he decided to do that first just wipe the slate clean with a bunch of skepticism just radical skepticism and one of the things he was skeptical about is how do we distinguish dreaming from reality how do we know that we're not dreaming right now and although he put that skeptical idea out there in his work the meditations it was never really taken seriously even by himself in the end because Descartes was a foundationalist and he really wanted to to ground human knowledge into some absolute standard that was enumerable he had to do away with the very skeptical considerations that he brought forth in the very beginning and the most unsatisfying part of the carts work is that he he just hand waved away a lot of these very otherwise serious and important doubts so in the end in his work basically what he said is he said well we can just basically into it or feel the difference between being in a dream and being in reality dreams are kind of murky and they're kind of hazy and dark whereas reality is bright and crisp and very solid so you clearly know that when you're in reality here in this waking dream that you're not actually in the sleeping dream but here was the it's great mistake because in fact you actually cannot Intuit such a thing how could you your intuition is based upon your experience within a certain framework within a certain environment without having had experience in that environment you have no possible intuitions and when we're talking about intuitions that are related to only one environment like in one dream you have no contrasting environment no all serious alternative which you can use as a foil to feel this difference which is precisely why is so remarkable that when you're asleep at night and you're having some crazy-ass dream and all sorts of outlandish things are happening in this dream and then you wake up and then you're like whoa how could I have not known that was a dream I mean I was like flying around and there were like space kangaroos and they're like all sorts of weird stuff was happening and like I was in this room one moment then the next moment I'm some other place like all this crazy outlandish stuff I should have been able to know that was a dream and yet I was completely bought into it why is that precisely because the only way the human mind can distinguish these things is if it experiences first one and then the other if it's only stuck in one that one literally defines what reality is do you see you see what the problem of reality is it's not that there is some one thing which is the reality it's basically just whatever you take it to be that's what it becomes due to lack of alternatives dreams are actually very valuable I'm talking about nighttime dreams and I think that actually you should start taking your nighttime dreams much more seriously rather than just dismissing them as aa mere dreams mere silly nonsense crazy stuff going on mere fantasies start to take them more seriously because they will reveal important existential truths about this waking dream that you're in you're gonna see glitches in the matrix once you start to pay attention to your nighttime dreams because then you're also gonna carry them forward here and you're gonna stir to question this waking reality more than you used to you're not gonna take it for granted the way that the materialist paradigm does see the materialist paradigm has a vested interest in dismissing the importance of dreams because the materials paradigm wants to define materialism as this stuff here the physical world here and it needs to have no alternatives to that so what it says it says well this here is reality this is where physics applies this is where we do science this is where all the serious important work gets done and then in dreams those are fantasies and silly things and and those are actually happening within the real reality you see the trick that's being played here one dream is being couched within the other for good reason because that's how grounding is done grounding is always done through a sort of sleight of hand because in fact there is no ground where are these dreams occurring you might ask nowhere they're not happening within any mechanical system as you might assume now you might say well that's impossible that seems crazy but then again why would you assume reality is mechanical how is mechanical possible how is physical possible it's just as absurd the only reason that you think that dreams have to be inside of some mechanical system like inside of a computer simulation or something or inside of a matrix or inside of a brain-in-a-vat or the human brain for that matter is because you're just a custom to thinking of reality is being mechanical that's just something you assumed from the very beginning you never really questioned it because it sort of seemed obvious to you because your culture just told you so and because you just believed it because in this dream that we're in right now this waking dream we have mechanical objects and it seems that we can learn about mechanics and we can use them mechanically but then again the same thing happens with in your night time dreams your nighttime dreams are very mechanical on the inside there's a lot of rules and and limitations within those dreams you can't literally do everything you want so it's really just a matter of convention it's a matter of what are you comfortable with see a lot of people are comfortable with thinking of reality as a physical system but they're very uncomfortable with thinking of reality as a dream machine without the machine part because they want the machine Lia where's the machine everything's a machine we're used to thinking of reality and all our little gadgets and stuff is machines the clockwork universe has talked about by Newton this is just a story there's no such thing as a clockwork universe there's a dream universe and the clockwork universe is just one of the types of dreams that there could be here are them some things to notice about your dreams firstly notice that they feel very very real when they are happening just like real life it feels very real but only when it's happening now the trick here is of course that you have an exited real life yet and you don't believe that even such a thing is possible for many people that's completely outside their paradigm but it is possible to exit what you call real life and to discover that actually it's also just a dream so this feeling of it feels real doesn't cut it you can't use that to distinguish between dreams because all dreams feel real when you're inside of them the only time you could say something is unreal is after you've exited it so be very careful about relying on your intuitions here to make this distinction the way that decart did because if you do you're going to delude yourself secondly notice about your dreams that they have their own internal self consistent logic and this is a thing that a lot of scientifically minded rashly minded materialist type people get confused about very easily because the key argument they make against what I'm saying is a Leo there's no way that this right here could be a dream look how real it is look how consistent and logical it is look I can do some math equations and I can figure out that if I throw up this rock it's gonna take 2.5 seconds to fall back down in my hand and look we can we can build this rocket ship and launch it to the moon and that proves said it's not a dream but of course this is the most absurd circular logic that you've ever heard because if you just apply that same standard to your dreams when you're sleeping you'll see that they meet all of that criteria as well they're completely self consistent but using a different rule set so for example you might be dreaming while you're sleeping and there may be a bear's attacking you and you're a hunter so you pick up a rifle and you shoot the bear between the eyes to defend yourself and your heart is pounding because the Bears just about to pounce on yours like ah it's pouncing on you it's gonna tear you to pieces but you shoot it right between the eyes and you defend your family okay then you feel a sense of victory so what happened in this dream how is it that you were afraid of this bear it's a dream after all why be afraid of a bear if it's just a dream bear and yet you're afraid and how is it possible that a dream gun you can pick up a dream gun shoot a dream bullet into between the eyes of a bear who's also a dream bear and kill the dream bear why not why isn't it not the case that the bullet just like because it's a dream bullet why doesn't a bullet just like fly through the bear and not kill it because your dream has its own internal self consistent logic to it and now you might say Oh leo but I've had dreams that were kind of crazy and wacky where weird stuff was happening and it was it didn't obey the laws of physics the way you're suggesting with this bear and that's correct because see dreams can have different rule sets they can have different self consistent logics that's the whole point of a dream is that what defines the dream is the rule set and there are different possible rule sets don't assume that for something to be a dream it has to have some crazy rule sets like where bears have wings and they fly around and there are unicorns and they're elves and there are weird stuff like that going on I mean of course you could have dreams like that but even in those dreams notice it's not completely random there's still a logic to it even in those dreams were like you're able to fly or maybe you're dreaming that the bear grows wings and it flies after you and chases your family that could happen and maybe you get your family into an airplane you're now you're flying away from this bear and the bear is chasing you and it's flying out for you and it's it's it's biting at your airplanes tail yeah that could happen I might seem like well Leo that's not reality that's just made-up fantasy yes but there's still rules you see because when the bear is biting at the tail of your airplane well the rule are the rules of that scenario are that still it can bite through your airplane it can knock down your airplane if it knocks down your airplane if it ruins your propeller or something then the airplane is gonna crash to the ground so in your dream there you've got gravity or you're assuming that kind of sense of gravity now maybe the gravity is different than it is on earth but still you've got something like that going on or maybe you're dreaming that you're in a in a in a earth environment that has no gravity well then those are the rules of the dream you see and still you still assume that you can kill the bear with the bears gonna kill you there's a reason you're running away from the bear in the first place there is it reason why you're protecting your family after all why protect a dream family from a dream bear in a dream airplane on a dream earth because it's all defined in terms of itself you see it's like a story a self-consistent story in the same way when you're watching a movie you might wonder well but why are the characters taking this scenario so seriously because like don't they know that they're inside of a movie so why should they fight so hard with the bad guy when he knows that it is just a movie but I mean that's to confuse two totally different levels of reality see of course the characters in the movie are pretending like it's real because that's that's the level of reality that they're at here's another example if you ever had a dream where you lose your pants maybe you're standing up in front of class and you're giving a speech or something like that and then you your pants fall down and then well you're rather embarrassed why are you embarrassed after all just a dream so what harm could come from your pants falling down you could just walk around with your pants down ah see but you can't because in a dream you care you care about your self-image you care about your reputation in the dream just like you do in this waking dream you might wonder why do you care about walking around with your dick hanging out in the middle of the sidewalk or the crosswalk why is that a problem why would that embarrass you in real life now you might say well Leo that's because man you know real life is the cops will come they'll arrest me they'll give me a ticket for public exposure and indecency they'll throw me in jail and that will ruin my reputation and some will take a video of and post it on youtube that'll embarrass me and that'll ruin my chances to to get a job and then I won't make good money I won't be able to provide for my family in yada yada yada you got this whole story built up why it embarrasses you right yeah exactly the same as in one of your dreams when you're asleep it's a self-consistent story define to guess itself all the punishments and threats are always within the dream and ultimately you've the biggest threat to you in this waking dream is of it ending which is what you call death which you work very hard to avoid you see how this works you see how tricky this is don't underestimate these mechanisms this here is how reality gets created we're not talking about fantasy here we're talking about how reality gets created here's another example of self consistent logic inside of a dream maybe you're in a haunted house and you're being chased by a ghost or something and you're you're running away you're running away and you're trying to get out the front door but the front door is locked and it's jammed and you're you're turning the handle and you're you're finagling it and it's just locked and you can't get out so what is that I mean you would think that well if it's a dream couldn't you just like fly through the door because the door is not solid I mean what is a door really made out of inside of a dream it's just an idea so it's not solid see you would think you could just like vaporize the door with your mind and walk through but of course that's not how dreams work they have limitations there's a rule set at work and so in that particular dream the rule set might be that you got to find a key to unlock the door or maybe the rule set is is that you've got super powerful fists so you can actually punch through the door but then you still got to remember to use your fists and that still takes time so maybe the ghost will catch up to you while you're punching through that door with your Hulk like fists or whatever other superpower you have just because you can imagine having a superpower to dream doesn't mean really anything that doesn't mean it's unreal that's just that rule set how about inside of a dream if you take a knife and you cut open your stomach what will you see in there is it gonna be just empty maybe depending on the rules of that dream or more likely is that you'll actually imagine that you cut open your stomach and your guts spill out and it's painful and you're suffering and blood is squirting everywhere just like in real life and in a dream you might take a saw and cut open your skull and you might feel around you might take a mirror and look inside and you could you could see the brain in the dream but does that mean if you see that brain in your skull inside your team does that mean that that brain is creating the dream no of course not you see this is to confuse the contents of the dream for the dream itself and this is precisely the same thing that materialists do with this waking dream so when I say something radical like the brain doesn't exist many people say oh my god leo that's crazy that's ridiculous what have you been smoking no just think through the logic of it it's very very simple this here is your dream you cut open your skull yes of course there's some pink squishy substance inside you can feel it you can screw around with it but does that mean that it is causing this whole thing no of course not now here's where materials get really tricky and sayali oh but if I take if I take some instrument I poke around in there or some neuroscientist pokes around in there then all sorts of hallucinate weird stuff my perceptual systems will all change and stuff will get very weird my memories will fade or new memories will come into being and that proves that this brain is causing it all no it doesn't doesn't prove that at all think about it this way if you were sleeping and you were dreaming in fact you could try to do this too tonight make this a little experiment for you see if you can do it when you're dreaming cut open your own skull and poke around inside take an ice pick and poke around inside your brain and then notice how that will actually change what you're experiencing but of course does that mean that that that brain that you're imagining and dreaming in your dream that it is what's causing the whole dream of course not see this is where you have to be able to really think outside the box think outside of your own paradigm otherwise you get stuck in it and you keep insisting - no no no Leo it's got to be inside there has to be a brain because a dream is only a thing that can occur in a brain no that's something you've just assumed up to now I'm asking you now to really think it through think through the circularity of that put it to empirical investigation also notice about your dreams that physics logic causality and time and space all of these are distorted depending on what kind of dream you're dreaming so a lot of times scientifically minded people rationally minded people we like to say all Leo but the most certain things we know about reality are physics and logic and causality and time and space all the hard scientific stuff oh yeah but does that stuff apply to your dreams no Leo doesn't apply to my dreams but that's just because her fantasies I'm talking about reality know what you're talking about is the ruleset of this particular dream so of course in this particular dream that we call the physical universe there is a certain kind of physics certain kind of gravity certain kind of logic and this kind of stuff and it's pretty consistent pretty stable that's what defines our dream is how consistent and stable it is you can't just imagine gravity - to reverse itself and then it cups start flying up and your cat flies up and your dog flies up doesn't work like that in your dreaming sleeping dream you might be able to to do that but see science is very tricky because science love to claim that it makes universal discoveries universal laws that apply everywhere in the universe now they don't they only apply within the dream which is easily proven to yourself by going to sleep at night and noticing that the physics the logic the causality the time and the science inside those dreams is different of course because a different rule set all that science does is it just studies the patterns occurring within one bubble within one dream you switch dreams now science changes you can do science inside your sleeping dreams it'll be a different kind of science but it's still science but of course science is very reluctant to admit this because this throws the whole paradigm into question the universality of science gets cool it gets eroded when this sort of consideration is taken seriously that's why science cannot take dreams seriously it's got to classify them as fantasies or hallucinations or illusions but of course that's just a sleight of hand that it plays also notice about your dreams that they feel very serious often times and many times there are life and death just like this waking dream also notice that you have very strong emotions within your sleeping dreams just like in the waking dream also notice that you play different characters within your sleeping dreams you might be interacting with your mom and your dad and your brother and your sister and your co-workers and your spouse and other strangers and bears and animals and aliens and all sorts of stuff inside your sleeping dream but what are they all they're all you just your mind is sort of splitting itself off and then playing this drama by taking on different roles the bear attacking you in that dream it's you it's not other than you but then when you come out of that dream you wake up you come here to this waking dream when you're interacting with human beings and animals here especially when you're threatened are you still aware that all of these are you no of course not of course not because the only time you're aware that all of these things are you is only after you wake up the only time you're aware that all the people and you're sleeping dreams are actually you is only after you've woken up and you have some time to reflect on it when you're inside the sleeping dream and a bear is attacking you you're not sitting there and thinking oh well but but this is a dream so I don't need to defend myself I don't need to go for the gun I don't need to worry about anything and in fact that bear is me that gun is me that's what this whole world is me I'm dreaming it all up no that takes consciousness you could only do that when you're conscious which of course you're not you're stuck in the dream that's what it means to be a dreamer if you were conscious you would be awake and then the dream would disappear that's exactly what's going on here we're just talking about it a second or a third level here see you got the dreaming this sleeping dreams here then waking reality here then you've got the next level above that that's what we're talking about also notice that within your sleeping dreams they have narrative arcs they're always story based it's always a sequence of events that happened to you just like ordinary life doesn't that make you suspicious about ordinary life all these similarities you're noticing all these similarities should start to make you very suspicious I want you to ask next time you wake up from a sleeping dream and it was a nice juicy one that really got you absorbed into it as soon as you wake up before you even get out of bed I want you to ask yourself what's the ontological status of that dream that just happened what was the dream made out of and where did stuff go and do not fall into the trick of thinking at all well it was just all happening in my brain that's a cop-out that's not what was actually happening you have no direct experience of a brain you never have in you ever will think about that stop thinking of dreams merely as dreams dreams are the only reality that there is that's just what reality is I know it's kind of mind-bending and it's a little difficult to get to to adjust to it but you know you start to think along these routes long and I've stuffed a question and contemplate and meditate and all that and then it becomes like second nature after a while you reach a point where you're walking down the street you're seeing a dog you're seeing a cat you're seeing a car crash you're seeing crazy stuff on politics and you remind yourself oh yeah I'm inside of a dream right now this is a dream I'm talking you from a dream you're watching me on a computer is a dream computer running dream software dream Internet dream human society you're dreaming that you're in the 21st century you're dreaming that you're part of your country in your nation you're part of this physical universe this Big Bang that happened 14 billion years ago with evolution all this is all a dream size is all a dream all scientific discoveries are dream phenomena you're studying the internal mechanics of the dream that's what science is that's why science is fundamentally limited because you can be a brilliant scientist and you can study the internal mechanics of any dream to death for hundreds of years for thousands of years you could do all this study but you still will not understand that all of this is just happening within a dream you see that requires something different than science that requires a shift in consciousness in the same way that if you're sleeping and you're dreaming you can imagine that you're a some famous scientist inside of your dream doing some sort of important work and you can take that very seriously in your dream and then you wake up and you discover oh [ __ ] why was I doing science in that dream all of that I mean it made sense within the context of the dream it made sense because like I needed to feed my family I was curious in science I it was important for me to discover the internal mechanics of that dream I made some important discoveries there about gravity or about quantum mechanics or whatever you know that was going on in that dream but now I've awoken and now none of that stuff matters anymore and that's precisely how it is here in the real world the real world as we call it the only kind of reality there could be is dreams it's just a question of how convincing is the dream and what tricks people so much is that this waking dream is so convincing with all of its emotions and all of its titillations and desires and fears and all this is so juicy it's so consistent to that it completely fools you the mistake people make is they underestimate reality the underestimate the power of dreams they think that dreams are just something like oh yeah I could easily see through a dream but you know in your direct experience that you can't see through a dream easily which is why you get tricked over and over and over again when you find yourself sleeping in your bed how many times have you dream your bed in your entire life thousands right almost every night maybe you don't remember it all the time but still thousands of times thousands of times you've been tricked you've awoken you said oh my god why was I so scared why was I so emotional in that dream you would think that you would be able to learn your lesson and be like okay that's it this is the last time I'm getting tricked my mind is ever gonna trick me again but then what happens next night you go to sleep again and it happens again that shows you the power of dreams but still that's only the tip of the iceberg of the power of dreams because you can only really appreciate the power of dreams not when you awaken from your sleeping dreams but when you awaken from this dream the waking dream that's when you get a real taste of the power of the mind and the power to cos and then you're like holy [ __ ] all of reality had me so fooled but I have awoken from it and that's what's possible and that's why I'm talking about this topic at all in the first place not because this is some philosophy I'm not some salep sister some nihilist or some idealist who's trying to present some sort of clever philosophy that I invented for you because I think it's cool I am talking about the real possibility of waking up from this dream that's possible I've done it other people have done it you can do it it's quite amazing it's sort of the whole point of life is to be inside these dreams and and realize you're inside of them and then to see goddamn that's amazing it's amazing what this dreamscape machine is it just manufactures dreams forever to infinity that's what's so amazing about it and it's possible for you to wake up but there's a catch the catch is what I call waking up you call death literally not figuratively actually because you see actually is only defined within this dream that's what actually means actually means this dream not some other dream so you really don't want to exit this dream you call that death you spend most of your time avoiding exiting this dream which is why it's so hard to awaken and why do they call it awakening which I actually think is a better word than enlightenment it really feels like awakening more than it does like enlightenment it feels like you're waking up from life that's possible put your attention right now on the fact that you are inside of a dream this right here all of this this is a dream I'm talking to you from inside the dream I am you telling you about the fact that you're stuck in a dream do you get it do you get it wake up wake up wake up you can wake up hello in there wake yeah I'm talking to you wake up you can wake up you're inside of a dream this is a dream your whole life is a dream wake up that's actually possible you can actually wake up can you fathom the significance of that we're talking about transcending your entire existence do you realize how significant that is drop your petty problems drop your problems about women or about men or about politics or about science or about money problems or emotional drop all that [ __ ] that's inside the dream you can transcend that you can exit the whole dream it's like people hear this but they still don't get it they still think I'm just like being metaphorical or I'm just being cute or I'm just being dramatic or bombastic or or exaggerating or or whatever or this is just a philosophy this is not a philosophy you can actually wake up how do you wake up by questioning the dream to death by questioning death and by actually turning yourself into what you consider death death of the self to discover what lies on the other side and how do you do that well through meditation through yoga through self inquiry through neti neti method through just sitting in silence do nothing meditation through psychedelics there's a lot of different ways or a combination of all those above you know and many other techniques like that that's what spirituality is about what is spirituality in a nutshell it's about waking up from the dream called life and seeing what lies on the other side the problem is that most people are so stuck in the materials paradigm they think that that's impossible there's no way that could be possible yes you're right if the materials paradigm is right but the materials paradigm is not right which he will discover by questioning it to death and the biggest obstacle that's really preventing you from waking up is the materialist paradigm you really really believe that there's such a thing as a external physical universe external physical world a brain or some matrix simulation or something like that because that's what your culture is led you to believe and that's what you need to struct a question alright I'm done here please click like button for me share this episode with a friend and come check out actualised org right there my website i got a blog there's the forum there's the life purpose course there's the book list which will help you wrap your mind around some of these mind-bending concepts and lastly just stay around stick with me as I share more techniques and ways of breaking this illusion called reality to me this is the coolest thing about reality is that you get to explore what reality is it's amazing the mechanics of it it's so ingenious the way that it works it's amazing to make all these little insights about all of this and this and that and and how do I trick myself there and why do people get wrapped up in these illusions and this and that and as it turns out the more you become conscious of the fact that reality is a dream the easier your life becomes the more effortless the more magical the more carefree the more satisfying the more blissful why because when you are inside of a dream which you know for sure is a dream you don't take it seriously anymore it's hard to bother you when you're lucid when you know the bear attacking you isn't a real bear and even if it eats you so what it's not a problem we see you can't think that way so long as you're buying into the fact that this is not a dream you